Call for Papers:

International Journal of Innovative Engineering, Technology and Science (IJIETS) ISSN:  (ISSN 2533-7365) is an open access journal that seeks to publish articles from authors who engage in original research. We are pleased to invite you to submit your research papers for publishing in our upcoming regular issues.


Important Information

Acceptance: Within 15 working days of submission.

Publication: Within 4 days after the Galley Proof approval.

DOI: Assigned to all published articles.

Number of Authors: No limitations.

Please send your papers to:


Article Processing Charges

Our publication fee is:

20,000 Naira – for Nigerian authors

30 US Dollars – for foreign authors


Why Publish with Us?

– Efficient scientometric databases, repositories, and libraries;

– Open Access with affordable article-processing charges (APC);

– Letter of Acceptance;

– High visibility of published papers;

– Fast peer review and publication.


Guidelines for Authors


It is important that authors adhere strictly the principles of copyright and plagiarism which are entirely their responsibility. A submitted article will be published only after meeting the stipulated standards and quality of work. To publish an article in IJIETS, authors should be mindful of the following points.


  • Research paper must be the author’s own genuine work.
  • Authors should not submit same paper in multiple Journals.
  • Research paper should be free from any plagiarism. Word similarity up to 13% is acceptable.
  • Graphs and diagrams should be neatly drawn and clearly visible.
  • Every article should be at least of 5 pages. Good research work of more than 10 pages are accepted. Papers of more than 15 pages attract addition cost of N 2500 or ($2.50) per page.
  • Every article should properly reference all the citations taken into consideration in the research.
  • All the diagrams, graphs, tables, flowcharts, equations should be clearly presented.
  • The keywords must be properly written below the abstract.


Paper Format

  • Papers must be written in English Language and in MS Word format.
  • Recommended font type, size and line spacing are Times New Roman and 12 points and single line
  • Paper margin on the top, bottom, left and right must be 2cm each.
  • Article topic must properly align with the content of the paper and should not be more than 20 words.
  • Author(s) names should be written in the following format: Iloh J.P.I1 and Nwabueze C.A. 2 and Muoghalu C.N.3 where 1, 2, 3 represent the affiliations of the authors.
  • The email address of the corresponding author should also be included below the affiliation information.
  • Researched papers should have the following section headings: ABSTRACT, 1.0 INTRODUCTION, 2.0 SUMMARY OF LITERARTURE REVIEW, 3.0 METHODOLOGY, 4.0 RESULTS, 5.0 CONCLUSION, REFRENCES, APPENDICES (if necessary). Subsection numbering format examples are: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 … 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc. Other suitable headings can be used if the ones shown here are inappropriate given the nature of the paper. However section and subsection numbering format remain the same.
  • All citations and references must strictly follow the APA Style of referencing.
  • Papers should be submitted to:


For further clarifications on any subject related to the paper submission, please contact us via email:


 Best regards,

Editorial Team

International Journal of Innovative Engineering, Technology and Science